Worship Teams

Intentional Silence

Within and without our world is full of noise. And our churches are no different. One of the things I see and hear increasingly is a complete lack of silence. Pads running the entire service, the band playing behind a call to worship or announcements, piano during the sermon, and on and on.

Our tolerance for silence is dwindling.

Truthfully, I do not mind a little musical cover for the elements of the service - our Good Friday service had wall-to-wall pads when we were not preaching or singing. I think that sometimes a little music helps people focus, and avoid being self-conscious. But as is true for many things, it can be taken to an extreme.

If our gatherings are forming our people, how is our perpetual space-filling forming our people? Where are the places where we are inviting our people to remember and practice the reality that “…the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him.” - Habakkuk 2:20

"I Can't Worship": Worship Leader Edition

“I can’t worship…” If you’ve been leading worship for any length of time, you have probably heard that statement. But perhaps, you too have felt the same way. There are endless lists floating through my mind as I am leading worship - am I distracted? There are endless realities (and alternate realities) floating through my heart as I am leading - am I worn down, frustrated, hurt, steeling myself? Airtight theology is good, but it is of little use if we are not transformed by its presence in our lives. We can believe and teach that all of life is worship, and still struggle to ‘enter in’ to worship in this moment as we lead.

But what do we do in this moment when we are leading but in fact do not feel that we are able to worship?

Pray. Ask that God would unite your heart to fear his name (Psalm 86:11).

Think of the throne room of heaven. Day and night the saints and angels and living creatures never stop singing, saying, and shouting - the holiness, glory, and worth of God. This present reality will be an eternal reality for all who are in Christ. View the temporal in light of the eternal.

Think of my brothers and sisters around the world. We are a part of a diverse, global body of believers stretching through generations into eternity. We are caught up in a story larger than this moment, and many of our brothers and sisters face real and acute danger from their families, friends, neighbors, and governments for gathering with the people of God or professing faith in Christ at all. May the perseverance of the saints fuel your own perseverance.

Think of someone else worshiping. One of my youth pastors told a story about how when he would struggle to fully enter into worship, he would think of a specific family member (who expressed outright hostility toward faith in Christ) face down, arms raised in worship… The reality is this will one day be the posture of all people (Philippians 2), but does it stir your heart, does it fan the flame of wonder in you when you consider enemies becoming worshipers?

It is all normal. It is normal that some days our worship flows freely and easily - from a heart and cup that overflows. It is normal that some days our worship is labored and mismatched to the worth of the One whom we worship. Worship is costly, and Christ is worth the cost - press on.

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When you don’t feel like serving.

When others don’t feel like serving.


Post-Easter Expectations

One of our church staff's conversations in preparation for Easter is that Easter (for us) is another Sunday. We celebrate the same truths on Resurrection Sunday that we do every Sunday. We open God’s Word, sing God’s Word, pray God’s Word, read God’s Word, apply God’s Word, and live in light of God’s Word on Resurrection Sunday like we do - hopefully - every Sunday. But certainly, we can feel the pressure of trying to cultivate greater meaning or intentionality into this one day - for those who call our churches home, and for those who may walk through the doors for the first time.

Hear me, Easter is not unimportant. The whole purpose of the incarnation, the whole purpose of the season of Advent and Christmas is to lead us to this moment - celebrating the resurrection. The resurrection is of eternal importance.

But often as worship leaders, we can believe that it is our efforts - song choice, skill in leading, our team’s ability to execute with excellence, unique articulation of truth, and creative and artistic prowess - that makes the day special and set apart.

Here is the good news: you are not that powerful. We are not so powerful that our skill and ability - or lack thereof - can make or break the truths we celebrate on Easter or every week. That means whether you sit on this side of Resurrection Sunday feeling the swell of pride in a flawless set list, or the drop of disappointment that what you executed did not live up to the vision in your head and heart, neither reality is the truest thing about you, about the team, about the church, and the resurrection. We bless God for flawlessly executed set lists knowing that was his kindness. And we bless God for unrealized visions knowing that this too is his kindness.

And we lay down what we have been carrying, and serve faithfully into the next Sunday and beyond.

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"I Can't Worship"

“I wasn’t able to worship because…” I have been on the receiving end of more than one post-service statement, or email beginning with this sentence in my life. I know that I have to settle some things about what I believe and how I will respond ahead of time, because in the moment - depending on the state of my own heart - these statements can make me angry, sad, self-pitying, dismissive, belittling, and unkind, or they can be an opportunity to further and clearly shepherd those I’ve been called to serve - including myself!

First I need to settle that this statement from a theological perspective is untrue. No one is ever not worshiping. Worship does not turn on and off like a light switch, worship is either rightly aimed at God, or it is bent in on self. And unless God reveals himself, we are all incapable of right worship. But as worship leaders, we know that people can easily shorthand ‘worship,’ for the sung worship portion of a Sunday gathering. And so often what people mean when they say they ‘can’t worship,’ is that something in the gathering was not to their preference.

Preference plays a role for everyone in our congregation - even for those of us who are leading worship, building the liturgy, and executing the service. Sung worship is participatory in a way that other aspects of our gathering are not. And I have noticed throughout the years, this seems to give people the freedom to speak to what they like and do not like more than other elements of a church or service. Music engages our minds, our hearts, our emotions, and our experiences - so we can quickly make preference a gospel issue when certain songs, styles, and aesthetic choices have been so deeply a part of our faith journey.

I consider the source. I have said regularly when it comes to feedback of any variety, the seriousness of which I receive, weigh, and implement feedback is: first, the staff and elders, second, anyone who serves on the worship team, third, the congregation. This is not to say that anyone is more valuable or important than any other - but staff, elders, and people who serve on the team are often more aware of what we are trying to accomplish. We are all on the same team and pulling in the same direction. Their feedback is most helpful if/when they sense we are drifting from the stated direction.

Do not take it personally. This is incredibly difficult for me. I deeply care about the work that I do, and it is hard to untangle my identity, my calling, and my vocation with enough distance to not feel like these kinds of statements are not a value judgment of me as a person. Everyone has an opinion, some people feel compelled to share theirs…

Because there is only one mediator between God and men - the man Christ Jesus - there is no song, style, or preference that can thwart true worship. True and right worship is only accomplished as God reveals himself and we respond - yes, in song - but also in all of life.

Guest Worship Leaders

Whether leading worship for a specific event, filling in at the last minute because of an illness or joining the rotating of worship leaders for a church I did not attend, I have had the opportunity to lead worship as a guest many times over the years. It is a gift to be reminded that the Church is larger than my church. That the body of Christ is diverse, global, and growing down the street, across the country, and around the world. Here are a few things I have learned that I hope will help worship leaders who are leading as a guest, but also those churches who are hosting guest worship leaders:

A word to the worship leader.

  • You are there to serve. I know this might seem obvious, but in serving we must consider others more highly than we consider ourselves. Be willing to be inconvenienced, or to go with the flow of another style, setup, structure, or rhythm to a rehearsal and gathering. Practically, this might mean choosing songs that this body will know that are less familiar to you. Asking good questions about the team, the congregation, and the sermon. Offering yourself whatever is required and expected of others who serve weekly. Engaging relationally with the team - taking time to learn their names, and thank them for serving.

  • Be gracious. It can be disorienting and uncomfortable to play music for the first time with someone you have just met. Be as gracious to the team as you hope they will be with you.

  • Be a blessing. How can you encourage and speak life to the team, the leaders, and the congregation? How might you leave a blessing behind (Joel 2:14)?

  • Communicate ahead of time. What is the gear you need? What is the expectation as far as speaking, leading, prayer, transitions, etc? How can you be prepared walking into rehearsal as well as the service?

A word to the host.

  • Set Lists. If you are giving the guest worship leader the freedom to build the set list, provide them a master song list, as well as the last three to five weeks of songs. I once led worship for a church whose worship leader accepted a position and moved between Sundays. This church had no one to lead worship for the foreseeable future and was filling every week during their search for a new worship leader with guest worship leaders. In a situation like that, pair down a master song list to 12 songs or so - the band and the people will have enough change as you fill spots, do not also make them bear the weight of new songs every week in the in-between.

  • Over-communicate. What do you want? What do you need? What is the expectation of the worship leader? Will you be giving them access to Planning Center, and communication to the team? Will you distribute songs, keys, communication and all you need to do is have the worship leader plug and play? Are paying the worship leader for their time, or the travel?

  • Be generous. This does not necessarily mean financially - but how might you be generous in your encouragement and appreciation? Whether down the road or across the globe, taking time outside of your normal responsibilities, time away from your own community, and family is costly - can you celebrate and honor the people who are serving your community? Several times I have had people thank my wife and children or send me back with gifts for them because of their willingness to allow me to serve.

What would you add?

Priesthood of All Believers

Before sin entered the world, worship was unbroken in its aim and purity. After sin infected every corner of creation, worship did not cease, it turned in on itself. We worship created things rather than the Creator (Romans 1:25-26), but even our ‘right worship,’ is not something we can produce by our own force of will. Right worship is our response to God’s revelation of Himself. Worship begins with God, but it also must be mediated by God because sin cannot stand in the presence of a holy God. From the beginning of history, and throughout Scripture we see that God has always made provision for His people to return to Him. Killing an animal to cover the nakedness of our first parents, instituting the priesthood, and the temple and sacrificial system were all temporary shadows of what was to come.

This, in part, is why priest to worship leader is not a fair comparison. For lack of a specific job description found in Scripture, people will often point to priests of the Old Testament as some of the first worship leaders - leading the right worship of God through sacrifice. But what we know living on this side of the cross, Jesus is the Great High Priest to whom all priests and sacrifices have always been but an arrow. Jesus is the one who continues forever, is able to save to the uttermost, lives to make intercession, is holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, exalted in the heavens, has no need to offer sacrifice for his own sin because he is without sin, and has offered himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sin (Hebrews 7:24-27).

People do not mediate the presence of God to man, because there is One mediator between God and men: the God man, Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:5). But what we see in Revelation that God has made all of His people priests - small arrows of God’s provision who can intercede for others:

“…To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” Revelation 1:5-6

So while worship leaders are not modern-day priests, the people of God do make up a priesthood of all believers.

This is why I will often encourage our people - do not just stand silently, do not just close your eyes, do not just stare directly at the screen - instead, sing out, look around, sing for your brothers and sisters around the room, hold their stories of joy and sorrow in your mind as you declare the truths of God’s Word to God and to one another.

In this way, we remind one another how the Lord daily bears us up, but also are used as priests to bear up one another (Psalm 68:19).

Planning Ahead

When I started leading worship in youth group, songs lived in a giant folder. No planning center, and no digital chord charts to be seen - apart from the Word documents I would type myself. It would be normal to arrive at youth group, or Sunday evening Bible study and see other leaders flipping through a folder of chord charts asking, ‘What songs should we sing?’ And yet even with all the advantages of modern technology and resources that are accessible to worship leaders today, I’m surprised how many people still lead from a ‘folder,’ mentality. I often sense - particularly for those who lead as volunteers or are bi-vocationally - that this kind of execution is not a lack of care, thought, or intentionality, but of time.

I have led worship as a volunteer, while working multiple jobs, and on full-time staff. Here are four things I’ve learned that have helped me plan:

Batch work.

I find it easier to get ahead when I can work on one thing at a time. So I will often batch my work by focusing one day on building set lists for the month and scheduling teams. Focusing another day on learning new songs, building tracks, propresenter, and chord charts. Reading, prayer, and long-range planning on another day, etc. This helps me feel like I can do deep work by building rhythms that will help me week to week.

Communicate expectations.

Communication with the team is important. But the team also needs to know what to expect from me. Likewise, working effectively with your pastor requires intentional communication as well.

Determine what is most important.

The artistic sensibility means that I often am aware there is a gap between what I envision, and what I will be able to execute. Is this song as perfect in its transitions as we can make it? Likely not. But we also have four other songs this morning that require attention. This is an example of where I have determined - being able to communicate the larger idea of the liturgy is more important than the tiny details of song transitions that will likely go unrealized by the congregation. Give your time and energy to the things that are important to the Lord, to you, your team, your leaders, and your community - open your hands to the rest.

Recognize the season.

Having a baby? Upgrading your audio visuals? In school? Rebuilding a team? Developing new leaders? Every season we inhabit will shift and change our capacity. It is unfair, and unrealistic to expect that every season will be the same. Life moves in seasons and stages, so allow the seasons and stages to help shape what is most important, what is worth fighting for, and what can fall away.

What would you add?

Liturgy: Start Here

The longer I lead worship the more heavily I lean into liturgical rhythms and practices. I have seen in my own life how deeply formative these practices slowly, consistently, and over time transform my affection and attention. But if you say ‘liturgy’ or ‘liturgical’ in some contexts, they immediately think Catholic. But liturgy has nothing to do with style, nothing to do with denominations. The word liturgy is Latin for ‘the work of the people.’ Every gathering is formative whether it is shaped by smells and bells, or loops and lasers.

When I served on staff at a church in the UK, apart from the Church of England and the Catholic Church there really was no context for liturgical rhythms and practices. So when I started bringing up the idea of corporate confessions, responsive readings, and scripted prayers, I had to spend time helping our people grasp the purpose and intention behind incorporating elements that were immediately associated with churches to which they intentionally did not belong.

But discipleship is the long game, so just because you serve in a context where there may be misunderstanding or immediate resistance to incorporating new rhythms does not mean you should not try. If you are looking to create liturgical rhythms within the community you serve, I think the church calendar is a great place to start. Engaging the seasons of Lent and Advent. So if you’d like to dip your toe in the water of more intentional liturgy, here are a few things I’ve written that can get you started:

Lent Preparations

Have you ever decided on a whim to begin something new, only to realize you’re in over your head? That is what it felt like when my wife and I decided over a weekend that we would begin the Daniel Fast at the beginning of the week. Fruit and vegetables, how hard could it be? No meat, no sugar, no caffeine. For 21 days. How hard could it be? What were we thinking?

Often this is how we approach the seasons of Advent and Lent: we think about it once we’re there. Part of the gift to us in the seasons is the space for reflection, repentance, prayer, and focused attention - but those things do not occur without effort before they begin. We must carve out time to consider things like:

  • God, what do you want to speak to me in this season?

  • How might I prepare my heart this season?

  • How can I help my team and congregation engage this season in a meaningful way?

  • What practical things will help me engage this season?

If you are looking for some additional resources on how to consider and prepare for the season of Lent for yourself, your team, or your church, here are a few things I’ve written over the past few years:

What Is Lent?

God has designed our world to be shaped by seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Our lives are also shaped by seasons - made up of times of abundance, joy, and celebration, as well as times of suffering, pain, and loss.

This is why our calendars are filled with holidays, literally meaning holy days. These are days set apart from all the rest. We mark the days that have marked us. These holidays remind us every season of who we are, where we have been, and who we desire to be. So too with the Church calendar. Followers of Jesus have designed and followed the Church calendar to mark their lives and days by the arrival, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and return of Christ.

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, for forty days during Lent, we strip away some of our usual comforts (often through fasting) to create more space for reflection, repentance, and refining. These days ready our hearts to gaze upon the gore of Good Friday, and the glory of Resurrection Sunday.

Although there is no biblical mandate to celebrate the season of Lent, there are countless calls to remember. During Lent we remember our sin, we remember the suffering of our Savior, we remember his triumph of Christ over satan, sin, and death - and that is why Lent is not sullen, but sobering.

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Lent is the period of forty days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Resurrection Sunday. These forty days represent the forty days Jesus spent facing temptation in the wilderness preparing for His earthly ministry and the ultimate purpose of his Advent: his death, and resurrection (John 6:38, Matthew 20:28). We trace the shadow of our sin through the shadow of Christ’s cross and empty tomb. This season invites us to acknowledge, expose, grieve, lament, and repent of our sin, and to our Savior once again.

When Others Don't Feel Like Serving

Last week I wrote about serving when you don’t feel like it. But what about when people serving alongside of you do not feel like serving? Part of leading is shepherding your own team members off the platform to an even deeper degree than the leading you do from the platform in song, word, and liturgy.

Every person is unique, every circumstance different, but here are six considerations when it comes to walking with a team member who doesn’t feel like serving:

What is at the bottom. Is this a one off? A rough rehearsal? Conflict with a team member, the church, or in their personal life? Is this a reoccurring pattern?

Finding and reevaluating rhythms. My current expectation with the team I lead is that everyone is available at least twice a month. That does not mean they will necessarily be scheduled twice a month, just that I want them to be available twice a month. But when I audition new members, and communicate with regular team members - I communicate my expectation and ask, ‘How often would you be willing or interested to serve?’ Finding rhythms that are workable for our team expectation and the individual team members has been incredibly helpful for me in scheduling, as well as correcting my expectation of the team members.

Regular communication. Regular communication rhythms like feedback loops, and annual touchpoints or reviews can be helpful. But so can general conversation with your team members - ‘How is work? What do you have coming up this Summer? How is your family? Is this rhythm of serving still working for you? Do you need to take some time off? How can I pray for you? What does support look like for you in this next season?’

Know your people. One of the things that has been so helpful for me in learning the Enneagram is that I have a recognition that not everyone sees the world as I do. I don’t need to type every person I know how to know how to interact with them, but acknowledging that not everyone acts, behaves, or is motivated in the same way I am frees me to not expect from people to be anything or anyone other than themselves.

Time off. Maybe you have been on the receiving end of the dreaded, ‘I just can’t serve anymore,’ conversation. In my experience, these conversations usually reveal deeper (and often unrelated) issues. If you are having people express burnout, invite them to take time off rather than quit altogether. I would much rather be down a team member for a few weeks or months than loose a team member permanently.

Model what you want. When we gather to pray, I will often confess in my prayers how my heart feels scattered, and my affections are splintered, asking God to unite my heart, and our team to serve him and his people. I want my people to know they are safe with me, and can be honest and vulnerable - that does not scare me, and certainly doesn’t scary the God who knows us better than we know ourselves.

How about you?

How might you encourage a team member who doesn’t feel like serving?

When You Don't Feel Like Serving

I love leading sung worship. But some days, I don’t feel like leading worship. Some days I feel mad at God, frustrated with my situation, at odds with a brother or sister in Christ, unprepared, empty, or too distracted to be remotely present to the gift and responsibility to stand before the people of God and invite them to behold the Lord.

Living in a fallen world means our circumstances will never be perfect, often they will not even be ideal. Following Jesus means following Him on the mountains as well as into and through the valleys.

So what do we do when you don’t feel like leading? Here are three suggestions:

Be honest. Sometimes the simple act of truthfully confessing to the Lord, or to a trusted brother or sister is enough to free me from a funk. They say admitting you have a problem is the first step. Take the first step, be honest. Acknowledging your feelings and emotions begins to loosen the silent stranglehold.

Confess. Sometimes my sin, pride, or ego are tied up with why I do not want to lead worship. Is there something I need to confess - to God and or to my brothers and sisters?

Serve. Part of growing as an adult is fulfilling your responsibilities even when you do not feel inspired or motivated. In the post last week, I shared about how serving is an invitation to something and Someone outside of self. Part of serving well is moving through my own emotions, preferences, and agenda to participate in the larger story.

What would you add to this list?