
Assessment and Stewardship

Assessing a team made up largely of volunteers may seem cold, formal, or too professional. These people willingly give their time, energy, and talents, shouldn’t we just let ‘em at it? Does creating some kind of expectation of excellence and growth focus our work externally when what we should really be concerned about is the heart?

As with many things we hold tensions. On one side we are commanded to play skillfully (Ps 33:3). On the other, we know that the Lord seeks true worshipers - and true worshipers live a life marked by worship (Jn 4:23, Rom 12). But I would like to suggest that these two tensions hold hands. And our responsibility as leaders of a team is to hold both tensions on behalf of those we serve.

Assessing our teams requires a shift in perspective. We can easily mistake assessment for comparison - contrasting what you see in other worship teams, and other churches, or even among the individuals serving in your team. Comparison is a perverted form of assessment. Assessing your team is about stewarding well the gifts and resources God has entrusted to your Church, your leadership, and the worship team. And as leaders, we carry the gift and responsibility of calling forth life from those we serve alongside. To name what we see. To encourage and fan the flame of beauty, goodness, and truth.

As you begin to assess the team, I suggest a grid of four categories to consider: Musical, Theological, Practical, and Leadership. These four categories help us to think holistically about the individual, not just about the way in which they fit into the team. I have a free assessment tool that gives you questions for each category, you may download the assessment tool here. And when you’re ready to move your team from assessment to actionable steps you can schedule a phone consultation with me, here.

People are not obstacles to overcome or tools to use, they are image-bearers of God, entrusted to our leadership to love, serve, and call forth life. What a sobering reality for those of us that lead teams.