First Disciples

When in doubt, I default to task management. Checking things off a to-do list can seem to justify our existence like few things can. But in ministry and in the life of faith, discipleship, relationships, and community are not tasks that can be checked off a list - because they are not tasks at all. They are postures of heart, the calling of every follower of Jesus, and inextricably tied to our discipleship and formation as Christians and leaders.

Serving on a team is a great launch pad for relationship but insufficient in cultivating the kind of depth required for ongoing transformation. As a worship leader, how are you working to grow relationship with those you lead and among your team outside of a shared common task? Are you carving out time for relationship throughout the week? Are you curious about the lives and longings of the people who serve on your team? Are you aware of your own heart and how you are showing up in rehearsal, services, and the moments in between?

While we are called to disciple our congregation as we lead sung corporate worship, our ‘first disciples’ (apart from ourselves and our families) are those who serve on the platform and in the booth.