I have been a different worship leader in every environment where I have led worship.
The longer I lead worship, the more I see the value of contextualization. Of course, there are best practices, and theological truths which anchor us regardless of time, place, country, or culture. But part of serving effectively is being aware of the needs, idols, and affections of the people you serve.
I believe that effective contextualization looks less like pandering, and more like carrying an awareness of the choices that will create more blockers and distractions for our people. And therefore, effective contextualization must have clear conviction, as well as an understanding of your congregation.
There is no one-size-fits-all version of this high calling we carry as worship leaders.
Do not be fooled by YouTube videos when everything looks formulaic and uniform.
Do not be lazy in serving the unique people God drawn to your church.
Clarify your convictions. Serve and challenge effectively. Love God, love His people.