Worship Leaders

Weekly Preparation

There are many things that are worth our time and preparation as worship leaders. The tasks are infinite, our time is not. When I consider my weekly preparation, I like to think of three categories: the music, the team, and the heart.

The music. Worship is more than a song, songs are an integral part of the work we do as worship leaders. The music needs to be prepared and practiced before we are able to lead our team or the congregation. I want to make sure that I have built my set list, communicated to my team, and set up our sound system, and ProPresenter as a regular part of my weekly preparation.

The team. Whether your team is a few people or many people, we must consider how to best serve the team in our preparation. Preparing the team also looks like knowing the team, and praying for them as we move toward service together.

The heart. We can prepare all of the external and obvious elements but if we have neglected to prepare our hearts, we do God’s people and ourselves a disservice. Has my time before the face of God been deeper, richer, and longer-lasting than my time on a platform or behind a microphone? What are you praying in anticipation for the gathering?

Several years ago I started using a checklist every time I led worship so that I empty my brain, and be consistent in my preparation. You can download that checklist for free here.

The Tension of Gift and Heart

At many churches, finding volunteers can be difficult. But there is a unique challenge for worship and production teams:

Sometimes the most gifted musicians, are not the godliest.

Sometimes the most spiritually mature, are not the most gifted musicians.

How do we navigate this dynamic?

People are not widgets. Every person is in a different season and stage of life. We do not grow at the same rate musically or spiritually. God has gifted every person in different ways, and this is why we must use wisdom and discernment with each person as an individual. For the sake of efficiency, we can be tempted to compose dualistic categories that allow us to ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ someone who desires to serve. Don’t allow the ease of expediency to compromise the character and competency you are seeking to establish on the team.

Have consistent rhythms for auditions. What is the process someone needs to walk through to serve on the team? Each context is different, but I have found that easy and obvious on-ramps to joining the team are important. But so is an initial process that requires some time, and ownership from the person who is expressing interest in serving. If I have to chase someone to complete a brief interest survey, chances are high I will be chasing them for involvement on the team as well.

Don’t missionary date. Disciple without agenda. When you know there is an incredibly gifted musician who is a part of your church but not involved, you can be tempted to pursue that person, not for relationship, but for what you can get from them. This is selfish and sees people as tools and objects to be used at your disposal.

Recognize that this tension of gift and heart is true for everyone. “If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with you, there is forgiveness, that you may be feared.” (Psalm 130:3-4) This is good news for every person! There is hope in Christ. Discipleship is the long game. Just because someone is not ready to step onto the team and serve right now, does not mean in a few months or years that will be the case. Be patient and faithful. Serve the Lord with the people he has entrusted to this area of ministry in this particular season - not those you hope he will bring.

We desperately need the Holy Spirit to reveal our own motivations and desires, and to fill us with wisdom as we seek to lead God’s people. We need to see with God’s eyes, not the eyes of man. We need to be able to see the heart, not just the outward gifts - or lack thereof. Thankfully, God gives wisdom generously to those who ask (James 1:5), so ask!

Communicating With The Team

Communication is an invaluable part of any relationship. And when you are serving on a team, there must be clear, open, honest, and frequent communication to be able to move together toward a common goal. And that common goal for those of us that serve on worship and production teams is to enable the people of God to proclaim the truths of the Gospel together in song, word, prayer, and gathering.

Communication with your team should begin before you gather for a rehearsal or service. Who are the musicians who are serving? What songs are you singing? What are the keys? Are there elements outside of the service that will affect the way you move through the service? What are the structures of your songs, and transitions? Communicating these details again and again, in writing and aloud will be incredibly helpful for your team to be able to move in the same direction together.

Consistency in your communication is just as important as what you say. When can the team expect to hear from you about when they are serving, the set lists, and any changes to the normal rhythms? Will you communicate everything individually, through a Facebook group, an email chain, or Planning Center? Ultimately, you need to use the tool that makes the most sense for you and your team, but building regular rhythms of communication from week to week, as well as month to month, is essential to creating consistency of expectation for the team.

The rehearsal is a locus point of communication for the team. Again, finding a consistent way that you move through rehearsals will build familiarity and comfort for the team. Walking your team through the order of service, clarifying parts, setting expectations, and giving space for questions in regards to the liturgy should be incorporated frequently for a team to have clear communication.

Finally, clarity is a necessity with as many moving parts as we oversee as worship leaders. Holding the larger picture of the whole morning, and how every aspect of those we lead contributes to what we are trying to accomplish in a morning. Practice what and how you will walk your team through rehearsals and a service, make notes, write it down until there is clarity in what and how you are communicating.

Singing Theologians

I define worship as the right response of our whole lives to God’s revelation of Himself. That is a definition that I have Frankensteined from some of the most helpful definitions I have heard over the years.

In Romans 12, Paul tells that all of life is a spiritual act of worship lived in response to the mercies of God. This means that right worship does not begin with us, it begins with God. God reveals Himself to us, and we must respond.

God created us worshipping, but sin broke that perfect response of worship. Sin did not stop our worship, it distorted, and warped our worship - making us worship everything and everyone besides God (This is a concept I learned from Harold Best in his book, Unceasing Worship). But right worship is living our whole lives in worshipful response to God.

In Romans 3, Paul tells us that no one seeks God. Again we see that right worship is only our response to God’s revelation of Himself. So if we are merely responding, how does God reveal himself to us? There are many ways, here are five:

Through Jesus. We see the glory of God in the face of the Son. 2 Corinthians 4:6

Through His Spirit. The Spirit leads us into all truth. John 16:13

Through His Word. All scripture is breathed out by God. 2 Timothy 3:16

Through His Church. We are His ambassadors on earth. 2 Corinthians 5:20

Through His Creation. The heavens declare the glory of God. Everyone is without excuse. Psalm 19:1, Romans 1:20

Why does any of this matter? Why should it be important for worship leaders to be people who deeply know, believe, treasure, and study the person and work of God? Because every one of us is a worshiper, and every one of us is a theologian. Professor Gordon D. Fee says,

“Show me a church’s songs and I’ll show you their theology.”

As worship leaders we do not lead songs, we lead people. We are in fact singing theologians.

Growing Theologically

The primary work of leading worship is not musical, it is pastoral. Even the regular rhythms of our week, choosing songs, building set lists, leading rehearsals, communicating with team members, working with a pastor, and leading during services, are primarily about shepherding people. If the primary work of leading worship is pastoral more than musical, our preparation and development should represent a desire to be shaped theologically and pastorally. It is easy to be tempted toward musical ability at the expense of theological depth. I do not believe these realities need to be mutually exclusive. But it will require an investment of time and intentionality. If you would like to grow theologically but are unsure where to begin, here are a few things to consider:

Relationships. Who are the people within your community, church, and relational sphere who are deep, wise, Godly people? Pursuing those people with intentional questions about their knowledge and understanding of who God is and what He has done, as well as resources they would recommend is a great place to start.

Free Resources. Many of my favorite writers, publishing companies, seminaries, and parachurch organizations offer material for free online. Reformed Theological Seminary posts all of its courses for free here. Sovereign Grace Music also offers a Worship Matters Video Intensive for free here. Glean from the edges and margin of your life with a few of these free resources.

Give regular time. Ultimately we give time to the things we value. Even 20 minutes of reading, one online class, or a single coffee meeting can help stretch, grow and develop our theological muscles.

Let the secret place be wider and deeper than the public platform. Jesus was often going away to a quiet, desolate place to pray and be with His Father. With such visible and public roles, we need to make sure that we are spending time cultivating our own relationship with God outside of what we do for God.

Theology Matters

Theology is the study of the nature of God. The word theology comes from two Greek words: Theos - meaning God, and Logia - meaning to study.

I have heard worship leaders, both staff and volunteer, both musician and vocalist, and both sound and technology describe themselves as musicians, artists, and creatives. Rarely have I heard anyone describe themselves as a theologian. Because the truth is many of us see our role as primarily musical, not pastoral, and therefore do not value theology in the same way we value excellence in our musical pursuits. But as C.S. Lewis reminds us:

"If you do not listen to Theology, that will not mean you have no ideas about God. It will mean you have a lot of wrong ones."

Theology should matter to worship leaders for the same reason it should matter to every follower of Christ: our understanding of God shapes everything about who we are. As A.W. Tozer famously said,

“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

Theology should matter to us as worship leaders because:

Worship is formative. We are putting words in people’s mouths to understand who God is, what He has done, and who we are as His people, and express their hearts to God.

Because we need to be wise. We need to know the songs that we are choosing are saying something true about God. Because our words and our songs are teaching people about God.

Because it realigns our priorities. When knowing, loving, and walking with God is in its rightful place, everything else falls into place.

Because God looks at the heart. Talent is obvious, and visible, and honestly, easy to come by. But it is God who sees and judges our hearts.

Because you are first a follower. Before a role, or title or responsibilities as a worship leader, you are a disciple of Jesus. And every disciple of Jesus will become more and more like Him.

Theology matters. Let it matter to you as a follower of Jesus. And let it matter to you as a worship leader.

Revelation and Response

Worship is more than a song, more than a period of time on a Sunday morning, more than the exclusive act of musicians. Worship is a rhythm of revelation and response. And we see this rhythm all throughout Scripture – people going about their normal lives, then God breaks in reveals Himself and everything changes:

Noah – a man who found favor.

Abraham – a pagan called out to be a blessing

Joseph – a not so self-aware little brother who God used for the provision and protection of many – setting the stage for a rescue and redemption for God’s people after 400 years of captivity.

Moses – a runaway called by God back to His people to lead them out of captivity and toward the promised land.

Rahab – a prostitute turned believer, and protector for God’s people.

Hannah – a mother who gladly gives back to God the child her heart desperately desires.

David – a boy called from the sheep field to shepherd and lead God’s people
Isaiah – a prophet who sees God, and is joyfully sent to proclaim

John the Baptist – set apart from before birth to make straight the path to Christ

Mary – a teenage girl who’s response was ‘let it be done to me as you have said.’

Joseph – a man whose plan for a quiet life was interrupted to become the adopted earthly Father of Jesus
Zacheus – a tax collector and crook, in repentance became generous

A woman at a well – completely seen, completely known, completely accepted, completely loved

The sick, the lame, the demon-posed, the blind, the cast-offs, the least of these, the little children, the poor, the sinners – all finding their wholeness when God meets them.

Saul turned Paul – a murderer of Christians, and the instrument of God to take the Gospel to the gentiles.

Let’s plan and prepare. Let’s give our people words and songs that reveal the heart and character of God. Let’s be expectant that God will move and reveal Himself, and that everything will change.

The Messy Work of Leading Worship

Ministry of any kind is a front-row seat to some of the most beautiful and painful moments of people’s lives. As a worship leader, I have often stood at the front of a church as a bride meets her groom at the altar - this is a beautiful moment. And I have sung while friends buried children - this is a painful moment.

In the Old Testament, the priests would slaughter the animals, burn the sacrifice, splash the blood, and throw the incense. This was hard physical work. This is holy work. This was work that required time, cleansing, and intentionality. This was the work that was required for a sinful people to not be consumed before a holy God. This was messy work.

But thanks be to God because of Christ Jesus…

“…holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever. Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. For it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted about the heavens. He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself.” Hebrews 7:24-27

The messy work of sacrifice has been accomplished once and all for Christ. But God has made us a kingdom of priests - those who intercede on behalf of another. Those who bear the burdens of one another before God. To point people to their Great High Priest:

“…To him who loves us and has freed us from our sings by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” Revelation 1:6

“As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 2:4-5

Followers of Jesus are called into the messy work of laboring for and on behalf of our brothers and sisters. We must know the people we lead, so that as we stand on a platform we are singing over them, to them, and on their behalf as we look to the One who daily bears us all up.

Is Leading Worship A Spiritual Gift?

I have been asked before if I believe that leading worship is a spiritual gift. The ability to play music is certainly a God-given gift that requires cultivation like any other talent or ability. And for the person who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, truly everything we do is spiritual - but is leading worship a Spiritual gift? Does the Holy Spirit impart the ability to lead sung corporate worship, at the moment of my conversion?

Scripture does not provide one single, complete list of all the available Spiritual gifts. We see gifts listed throughout various passages like Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12-14, Ephesians 4, and 1 Peter 4. But nowhere in these passages do we see ‘worship leader,’ listed as a spiritual gift. We know that spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit, all are necessary, and they are given for the building up of the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:11, 14, Ephesians 4:12).

Is leading worship spiritual, yes.

Is leading worship a gift, absolutely.

Is leading worship a spiritual gift? Probably not. But we can employ our spiritual gifts in the service of God’s people, to God’s glory, as we lead worship spiritually.

Uncomfortable For The Right Reasons

For some, the life of the believer is a fragrance from life to life, and for others, it is the fragrance from death to death (2 Corinthians 2:16). The Gospel can be a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense (1 Peter 2:8). How do we reconcile this reality as we think about our corporate gatherings? Danny Franks says, “The Gospel is offensive. Nothing else should be.”

When I plan the liturgies I lead, I want people to be uncomfortable for the right reasons. I desire for the Holy Spirit to expose and confront our sin, lead us to Christ, and comfort us in our affliction. I pray that we continually die to ourselves, pick up the cross, and follow the One in whose image we are being conformed. Life in Christ is death to self, and this is uncomfortable. This is what it looks like to be uncomfortable for the right reasons. But too often in our churches, we make people uncomfortable for the wrong reasons…

Transitions. We are sloppy with our transitions, late lyric changes, and technology not being ready to go. Turning a chord chart page, changing a CAPO, being uncertain about what element in the gathering comes next.

Language. Using insider language like Christianese, or language that is only familiar to regular attenders. We need to be wise not just with the words we use, but the way we communicate.

Communication. We don’t help people know what to do, and when. We don’t spend enough time teaching, shepherding, and guiding people through the service. We have not learned the essential nature of rubrics.

Context. Do we know the people, their stories, and the history of where we are leading?

Community. There is a cognitive dissonance when our communities (both local and global) are in crisis and we ignore that reality in our corporate gatherings. We must speak with wisdom, discernment, and clarity that points people to the hope of the Gospel even in the midst of current events.

Let people be uncomfortable in the gathering, but only for the right reasons.

Identifying Seasons

Transitions are difficult even when they are positive.

The familiarity of our lives and the world shifted two and a half years ago, and many of us are still struggling to find a new ‘normal’ rhythm to life and ministry.

We may not be able to change the season, but we can identify the season and begin to see how it may be changing us.

Theologian, Walter Brueggemann, speaks about how the Psalms are in three categories, Psalms or orientation, disorientation, and new orientation.

The full scope of the human experience is represented in the Psalms, so is it no surprise that our lives move in similar seasons of orientation, disorientation, and new orientation. Here is how Brueggemann describes these seasons:

Orientation is the establishment of structure and order.

Disorientation is a place of imbalance and nonsense even potentially unjust. 

New orientation is moving forward away from what was and toward new possibilities.

As I consider these seasons, I remind myself - It won’t always be this way… but it might. This may be a season, or it may be the story God is telling with the entirety of your life. I have found that the more aware I am of the season I am in, the less I try to buck against what is and cling to what has been.

“The secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances.” - Elisabeth Elliot

What season are you in?

Getting Ready for Fall

You have mercifully survived Summer. Whether you serve at a large church with many resources or a smaller church that has managed to eek out your weekly services, surviving the Summer is no small feat!

Fall seems to be a time when many people are settling into new rhythms and routines. This is often true when it comes to attendance and involvement within a local church context as well. So how do we leave Summer, and step intentionality into the Fall?

Reevaluate and reestablish rhythms. This is true for the team, as well as yourself. Making changes to a culture, the rhythms of rehearsal, preparation, or communication takes time, consistency, and discernment about when to shift, change, end, or begin something new. Making those adjustments can be softened if they are rolled into a season when people are already attempting to establish new habits and rhythms. In the same way, we may need to make changes to what and where we give our time. Has the way I have budgeted my time in the past going to be able to sustain me this Fall? Are there things that are going to require more time in this season than in the past?

Invite. Invite new people to participate. Invite the people who are already serving to be known, and engage others. Invite deeper investment.

Make plans with an open hand. COVID has taught us what the Scripture has always said - “The heart of man plans his ways, but the LORD establishes his steps (Proverbs 16:9).” We can and should make plans, we can and should pray and discern where God may be leading our team, but we must also be willing to release plans to the One who establishes our steps.

It is a gift to do this work. I have learned the more that I am able to identify life and ministry moving in seasons, the more I am able to be grateful for what is, hopeful for what could be, and see everything as a gift inviting me to be conformed to the image of Christ. I hope whatever Fall may look like, we may all learn to lead and serve with open hands, gratitude, and a servant’s heart.