24 September: Tuesday Refocus

“Prayers are the life signs of faith. They occur as naturally as the cries of newborn babies.” - Simon Chan

Need lives unashamedly close to the surface for children. This does not change as adults - our needs are buried under layers of pride, self-sufficiency, and fear. Even from God - the One from whom nothing is hidden - we attempt to cover, minimize, or hide our need (Genesis 3:8-12, Psalm 139, Luke 8:17).

It is God who ‘…gives to all mankind life, and breath and everything (Acts 17:25).’ In prayer, we acknowledge that we are people of need. In prayer, we acknowledge that we cannot provide for our deepest needs. In prayer, we acknowledge that it is God Himself that we desire.

Father, may our prayers be frequent, honest, and bold, because You hear us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
