Is Leading Worship Performing?

Is leading worship a performance?

In christian spaces the word performance can have negative connotations. I think we can often confuse performing (definition: carry out, accomplish, or fulfill an action, task or function) with being performative (definition: relating to or of the nature of dramatic or artistic performance). We think of performing as playing a part, acting, seeking attention. And to be sure, anyone can go through the motions of leading worship in a way that is aimed toward self-glorification.

But in a very practical sense, there is a performance involved in leading worship. We prepare readings, prayers, we plan and select songs, we practice and rehearse until we feel our performance is the best we can offer in skill, time, and as little distraction as possible.

Do we perform? Yes.

Is it performative? I suppose that depends on our motives. This is not a question that can be truly and honestly answered apart from the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit.