
October 26: Tuesday Refocus

‘Every time circumstances press in on you, say, ‘Speak, Lord,’ and make time to listen.  As we listen, our ears become more sensitive, and like Jesus, we will hear God all the time.’ - Oswald Chambers

The world is noisy and our hearts and minds are overwhelmed with the volume both externally and internally.  So many of us are desperate for God to speak to us without studying the tones, cadence, and language He speaks.  Our Good Shepherd said, ‘My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me (Jn 10:27).’

His voice declares the identity of His beloved Son (Matt 3:17, Mark 1:11, Lk 3:22).

His voice thunders with glory, His voice is over the waters (Ps 29:3).

His voice is powerful, full of majesty, He breaks strong cedars (Ps 29:5).

His voice flashes forth flames of fire, shaking the wilderness (Ps 29:7-8).

He sends out His voice, His mighty voice (Ps 68:33).

His voice is like the sound of many waters (Rev 1:15).

His voice has glorified and will glorify His name (John 12:28).

His voice shakes heaven and earth (Heb 12:26).

His voice is not always in an earthquake and fire but in the sound of a low whisper (1 Kings 19:12).

His voice declares the dwelling place of God is with man (Rev 21:3).

His voice invites us to return to Himself - the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls (1 Peter 2:25).

Lord, may we become familiar with Your voice, Your tone, Your cadence, and Your quiet.  May we know Your voice, love Your voice, and obey Your voice.  Speak Lord, Amen.



June 15: Tuesday Refocus

“Most Scriptures speak to us, the Psalms speak for us.” —Athanasius

Every experience of being human is represented in the Psalms.  

Fear and peace (Ps 56:3, Ps 91).  

Sorrow and joy (Ps 16:4,11).  

Pain and triumph (Ps 40, Ps 59:10)

And everything in between.

One of the things I find so profoundly moving is that Jesus, being fully God, put on our flesh and bone, and stepped into our brokenness.  Although Jesus was not broken on the inside the way you and I are broken, Jesus uses the Psalms to give voice to his experience of inhabiting a human body.  And we see this clearly on the cross - of all of the ways that the God-man could express His heart at that moment, He uses our words - ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ (Ps 22:1, Matt 27:46).

Wherever you are in your journey of faith, you can look to the Psalms to give voice to your experience.  And you can look to your Savior, who this very moment inhabits a fully glorified human body, like the one that will be ours when our sojourning is over, and we see our Savior face-to-face (Phil 3:21).

Jesus, we look to You - the one who has taken on our skin and sin.  The One who uses Your Spirit-inspired words to give voice to your experience.  The One who is able to empathize with us as our Great High Priest - and we are grateful to You, and for You.  In Your name, amen.
