Tuesday Refocus: October 24

“People will mock those who prioritize prayer. Gather and pray anyway.” - K.A. Ellis

If we are honest, prayer can feel unproductive. Even the most devout Christians can believe their time is better spent laboring in ministry, laboring in the community, laboring in work, rather than laboring in prayer. Prioritizing prayer can seem like an excuse to avoid the ‘real’ work.

But if it is in prayer that our hearts are revealed, are priorities are realigned, our desires are exposed, our lives are surrendered, we become aware of our desperate need and dependence upon the Holy Spirit, and we grow in affection for the Person of God - why would we ever cease to pray? Why would we prioritize anything other than prayer?

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

We are invited to pray without ceasing. This constant flow of communication to our Father is right and good. But perhaps it is easier to speak than to be silent. Perhaps it is easier to pray without ceasing than to cease and pray.

In high school, I took a missions trip to Peru. There was an American 20-something who had lived in Lima, serving with a church for a year before we arrived. Our team of 20+ quickly dwindled to single digits as many were so sick they could barely crawl out of bed each morning. I remember she said to me, “Maybe God brought your team all the way to Peru not so that you could serve, but so that you could pray. So that you could pray for these people, this community, and this country.” This young woman who had left her own country, raised support to live and serve in this community, who wept through singing worship songs in English - because it had been more than a year since she could sing in her heart language - believed the real work was not our English classes, vacation bible schools, and street evangelism - it was prayer. Prayer was not the lesser work of our preparation but was the invitation to deeper work.

Father, what a gift to be your children, what a gift to approach you with boldness and confidence. May we never cease to pray, and may we cease to pray. In Christ’s name, amen.
