‘His grace enables us to respond to Him with daily lives of total worship.’ – Marva Dawn
Have you ever wondered if you’ve reached the end of God’s grace?
Traveled too far,
too long,
and this is where the road of God’s graces finally ends?
As one pastor described, ‘Grace is undeserved favor, in the face of deserved wrath.’ Grace is not merely something given, but Someone given. Grace is Jesus. And ‘…from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace (Jn 1:16).’ There is no end to grace because there is no end to Christ. The One who is not made unclean by sinners, but makes sinners clean (Lk 8:43-48, Matt 14:36).
This indeed is grace upon grace.
We have no need to presume upon God’s kindness and character when we realize we are swimming in oceans of His grace (Rom 2:4). And it is this revelation of God’s grace that enables us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices in response to the givenness of Christ on our behalf (Rom 12, Eph 5:2).
Lord, in our sin and brokenness, there is more than enough grace. In our weariness with COVID-19, there is more than enough grace. During an election season and divided days, there is more than enough grace. For this very moment, there is more than enough grace. Thank you, in Your name, amen.
In grace,