‘The things that we love tell us what we are.’ – Thomas Aquinas
Lord, we confess that our affections are divided.
We are lukewarm and half-hearted, easily pleased and quickly bored.
We have sought life, acceptance, value, and worth in dust-formed creation returning to dust.
We have exchanged the truth for a lie.
The eyes of our enemy roam the earth looking to devour,
our eyes roam the earth looking to be devoured.
Our enemy crouches at the door that we barge through.
We have seen, tasted, tried and tested and found all things meaningless…
But for the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ our Lord.
You have loved us with an everlasting love.
Nothing can separate us from You.
Nothing can snatch us from Your hand.
You hold our lot, and You are our keeper.
You satisfy our souls with Yourself.
Enable us by the power of Your Spirit to look to You and live.
To behold and become.
To be conformed and transformed in worshipful response to the work of the Son.
For Your glory and our good.