‘God wants us to know that when we have Him, we have everything.’ – AW Tozer
Eternity is written on our hearts (Ecc 3:11). Eternity – what goes on forever without end. Built within us desires that outstretch the sixty, seventy, eighty years we’re given in this life. And most people spend the whole of their lives trying to reconcile that eternal desire written on their heart through non-eternal means. But for those who follow Christ, the belonging, home, value and worth that we desire is already ours in and through Christ. Our lives are hidden in Christ and He is our true identity (Col 3:3).
I pray that is freedom for you and me as we step up to lead and serve every week. We already have the very thing we desire – in, through and because of Christ.
You have nothing to earn, nothing to prove because everything is already yours in Christ (1 Cor 3:20-23).